Friday, May 15, 2009


It's one of those days... it's a day where I look at people and wonder if maybe I'm from another planet because I simply don't think the way others think.

I made plans to do something with someone a month or so ago and she is the one that invited me, and then she made other plans and never told me, I had to ask. I'm not mad... just confused because I wouldn't do that to someone else.

At the grocery store today the lady who was bagging (it was a Girl Scout event purchase so I needed the plastic bags) asked me if I wanted the the huge syrup bottle (which has a handle) and the orange juice (also has a handle) in a bag. Do people need bags for these types of things? I mean they already have handles. I don't understand why people are so wasteful.

I looked around my all staff meeting and over 50% of the people had a beverage in a one time use container. I'm no saint, I'm sure I do my fair share of wasting every once in a while, but I know these people waste everyday and probably never think to recycle.

I simply don't understand people.

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