Thursday, May 28, 2009


According to the band Cake, FRIEND is a four letter word.

I have been thinking about friendship a lot lately. Because I often wonder, is this person really my friend. I mean I wouldn't consider the people listed as "friends" on my facebook or myspace really my friends. Not all of them anyway. So why are they there. What defines a friend? I have seriously had people come out of the woodwork expecting me to invite them to my wedding. OK, so if I haven't talked to you or seen you in 5+ years, I'm not inviting you. Just because you were a part of my childhood does not make you a part of my present. And all that said, that doesn't mean I don't like you, it just means we aren't really friends anymore.
I feel like my friends are people that I would call in the middle of the night for an emergency. I can count those people on one hand. So does that mean I invite five people to my wedding? ha ha. That would cut down the cost.

OK I have to invite the relatives. But a friend is someone I want to hang out with in my free time. Someone who wants to hang out with me. Notice the two way street. In the past I've been the invite everyone along kind of girl, not anymore. Now I'm the "you have a phone too, pick it up" kind of girl.

It's also funny as we get older, or maybe just me. I'm not interested in shallow stuff. I could care less about surface info. In college and right after it was great to have a million friends and have plans all the time, now I have close ones.

I just think it's funny how loosely we use the word friends in so many situations.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My greatest disgust

One of the things I hate most about my job is that I sometimes have to be a hypocrite. I love camp! I love having kids at camp! I hate buying food for camp. I hate that I am vegan and have to feed these children rotting flesh. I hate that the meat and dairy industry subsidizes meat, dairy and eggs so much that I could never afford to feed the girls vegan chicken nuggets on the camp budget. It's cheaper to poison the children than to feed them a plant based healthy diet. GROSS.

Try as it might I have not been able to find bulk vegan chicken nuggets or bulk veggie crumbles. Will there ever be a day that costco or GFS or Sam's Club carries such things?

It's true, I hate that I use Girl Scout money to feed the meat and dairy industry.

Friday, May 15, 2009

When working out doesn't work out

I have been so good this week, five times to the gym. And let me tell you, I don't understand the people who love working out. I can't help but look at my time when I'm in a class or on the treadmill. The second I start working out I count down the minutes until it's over. I don't hate working out, I just don't LOOOOOVVVEE it.

Anyway, today I'm sore from exercises yesterday. Put the big ball between your legs and lift and squeeze several times, your inner thighs will hurt too.

So today, I go to the gym to use the treadmill, do a nice 3 mile walk at lunch. I have my Vegan Freak podcast all cued up and ready to go. I'm walking, laughing at the podcast and BAM some how I got my arm twisted in my headphone cord and my ipod flies away from me onto the floor. OK, stop the treadmill, pick it up, resume. I'm walking again, listening to the podcast, and I do it again. At this point I decide it's not meant to me and cut my losses. 2.75 miles has to do. And, my inner thighs still hurt.


It's one of those days... it's a day where I look at people and wonder if maybe I'm from another planet because I simply don't think the way others think.

I made plans to do something with someone a month or so ago and she is the one that invited me, and then she made other plans and never told me, I had to ask. I'm not mad... just confused because I wouldn't do that to someone else.

At the grocery store today the lady who was bagging (it was a Girl Scout event purchase so I needed the plastic bags) asked me if I wanted the the huge syrup bottle (which has a handle) and the orange juice (also has a handle) in a bag. Do people need bags for these types of things? I mean they already have handles. I don't understand why people are so wasteful.

I looked around my all staff meeting and over 50% of the people had a beverage in a one time use container. I'm no saint, I'm sure I do my fair share of wasting every once in a while, but I know these people waste everyday and probably never think to recycle.

I simply don't understand people.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's true, I wrote a blog.

I have not blogged in a while. I have thought about it, it just hasn't happened. I feel like I've been chasing my tail lately. Not in a bad way, just been busy.
G and I celebrated our meetaversary.... A year ago Friday we met each other. Neither one of us had any idea we'd be where we are now, and we are eternally grateful to have met and fallen in love, well I am, I can't speak for her, haha.
What else? We just started the Engine 2 Diet. I'm pretty excited. I have been reading quite a few books on health and our diet. I feel like it's the one thing we can control... our diet and our exercise. I can't change my genetics. G and I decided that one thing we wanted to do for each other is be healthy. We want to be around for each other as long as humanly possible. So, today is day two on the Engine 2. So far so good. (other books that lead to this are The World Peace Diet, Skinny Bitch and The China Study) Yesterday we had a vegan meatloaf that was amazing! Don't' be a doubter - it really was good! If you are reading this, and I don't know who does, I'm challenging you to really evaluate your diet. Don't go on some fad diet, but think about it... I cut out diet coke and coffee and turned to water - did you know to coffee - if I can't pronounce the ingredients I have to think long and hard before I'm going to eat it. I know! That means no more Oreos, but you know.... I want to live my life as long as I can live it, and it's in my hands.

That's all for now, stay tuned I plan on sharing more!