Thursday, January 7, 2010

You might as well have beginnings

Jill Sobule sings "The end will always come, so you might as well have beginnings" and the next line is "Love is never equal after all". This morning I was singing this song in my head. Thinking about things ending and things beginning. And, really, it's just life continuing. The Indigo Girls said "You have to laugh at yourself, you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't". These words have been my mantra lately.

I laugh because by mid February I will have changed my address with the post office 4 times since September, 2009. I will have packed up and moved three times. I laugh because of love, it sometimes leads us down unknown paths, and now as my heart is whole I'm sure love will find a way to lead me down some other path of unfamiliarity.

And why not have new beginnings? New beginnings with old and new friends, trying new things, buying a new house, picking up a new hobby, starting a bakery. New, New, New. And yes, the end will come, whether we choose it to be so or if life hands us an unexpected gift.

I urge you, have beginnings! It's what makes us human.


CJ said...

I love beginnings....more than I could ever express!

Kara said...

Beautifully said.