Oh my slacker bloggerness. Often times when I am away from a computer I think of all the great things I should blog about. When i get to a computer I'm usually distracted by looking up recipes, facebook, or email. I should make a point to blog.... and maybe I will. (That is my non committal commitment to do so)
I'm thinking I will focus on what makes me happy, what lifts me up. Bitching in the format just seems pointless, that's what facebook posts are for right?
What is making me happy?
First I have to admit that I have been frequenting the Shell station just a few blocks from work because they have a subway. Yesterday I got my vegan footlong... and today I did the same. (I'm refusing to grocery shop before I go out of town)
The woman who rang me up asked me "How are you doing today, you were here yesterday". This made me laugh a little, thinking "soon they'll have my credit card number memorized." The simple engagement in conversation made me happy. I told her I wasn't going grocery shopping before the holidays and she said she wasn't either. If she did her kids would come over and eat all her food. I guess it's subway for both of us for awhile. At least I'm eating my veggies!
Side note: I also laugh at "subway eat fresh". I often think, "is this really fresh?"
Ok I'll work on this... even get some pictures up in here!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
For the Animals

I spent last weekend at Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York. It was their annual Hoe Down. It shaped up to be a weekend of camping, vegan based workshops animal time and of course, a barn dance.
I left wondering if its possible to be even more committed to veganism. I have left with a sense of calm. knowing that I am making a deference in my daily choices and actions. One of the presenters talked about our daily interactions. One of my goals this year has been to be a peaceful joyful vegan. Not the finger pointing you are wrong because you eat meat and animal products vegan.
Rae said, "one moment before I was vegetarian, I wasn't. One moment before I was vegan, I wasn't." How simple and true. One moment before I knew, I didn't know.
I am committed to veganism and I am committed to meeting people on their path, where ever they might be with open arms and acceptance. Besides we'll all be vegan eventually - I figure we are all vegan when we're dead.
I love you all, vegan, non vegan, and whatever else you bring to my life!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Religion has been a huge part of my upbringing. I grew up going to a church called "The Church of the First Born". Was it a cult? I think probably... OK, let's backtrack.
My parents met in college through a church group facilitated by the church mentioned previously. After graduation my dad went to seminary. He became a United Methodist Minister. Said church, mentioned above somehow wooed him back to their church, he left the ministry and went. I was part of this Church ages 5-13. In which time I only listened to Christian Music, watched religious TV, never went trick-or-treating and well thought I would save the world by convincing my friends to be "saved".
My parents had a wake up call and left that church, Dad went back into the ministry and became preacher again and my mom went to seminary. I left the church and never looked back. I went to the baptist church for awhile to oogle over cute boys - nothing to do with religion.
Today I am no fan of organized religion. I am finding my spirituality through my yoga practice, nature and love. I get outraged at the hatred that comes from the "church" against women, against gays, against the teletubbies. When I was going to church I was told that God is a God of love, so where is the love? Jesus fed the homeless, helped prostitutes and most likely had plenty of gay friends.
I just read this blog http://naytinalbert.blogspot.com/2010/06/i-hugged-man-in-his-underwear-and-i-am.html which made me cry. Thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes, it really moved me. What is moving you? Religion, Creed, Spirituality, Buddha, Krishna, God, Goddess, Jesus....
Hate and disrespect is not a part of any religion.
My parents met in college through a church group facilitated by the church mentioned previously. After graduation my dad went to seminary. He became a United Methodist Minister. Said church, mentioned above somehow wooed him back to their church, he left the ministry and went. I was part of this Church ages 5-13. In which time I only listened to Christian Music, watched religious TV, never went trick-or-treating and well thought I would save the world by convincing my friends to be "saved".
My parents had a wake up call and left that church, Dad went back into the ministry and became preacher again and my mom went to seminary. I left the church and never looked back. I went to the baptist church for awhile to oogle over cute boys - nothing to do with religion.
Today I am no fan of organized religion. I am finding my spirituality through my yoga practice, nature and love. I get outraged at the hatred that comes from the "church" against women, against gays, against the teletubbies. When I was going to church I was told that God is a God of love, so where is the love? Jesus fed the homeless, helped prostitutes and most likely had plenty of gay friends.
I just read this blog http://naytinalbert.blogspot.com/2010/06/i-hugged-man-in-his-underwear-and-i-am.html which made me cry. Thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes, it really moved me. What is moving you? Religion, Creed, Spirituality, Buddha, Krishna, God, Goddess, Jesus....
Hate and disrespect is not a part of any religion.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Talking shoes
I kept thinking about blogging last week and it just didn't happen. I was wearing what was to be my wedding shoes. After all, it's too late to return them to the store and there is no need for them to collect dust right? This got me thinking of the sayings about putting yourself in someone else's shoes... walk a mile in these shoes... other sayings .... if these walls could talk... What would my shoes tell you? If my walls could speak what would they say.
It's funny to me to think about the secrets and memories the "things" in our lives hold. I can put on a pair of shoes and have a streaming memory. I might put on a shirt and think, last time I wore this I was at Kings Island with .... It really is crazy. Some stories are to be shared and some are to be kept sacred just for me.
If I had blogged this idea a week ago this would not have been the content at all. I would have been blogging about moving on and finding new purpose in the shoes and creating new memories for them and myself. But, I'm doing that everyday. Ever day is a new memory. I get to make the choices of how I perceive situations and how I react.
Then today I discovered new music w/ lyrics that spoke volumes to me so pay no attention to the previous babble and soak this in:
By Sara Haze
I don't wanna be hurt
I just want to be little old me
Shouldn't have to think
Who am I suppose to be today
And what gives you the right
To tell me who I should be
Who gave you that right
Cause I, I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am
I know you want the best
Yeah only good things for me
But you have to realize
I can be all these things you project on me
Cause I'm beautiful to me
Doesn't that mean a thing
I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am
I need that to be enough for you
Need that to be enough for you
Cause it's enough for me
It's enough for me
I'm I suppose to give up everything I am
Just to make you happy
I thought I was the one you
Always wanted me to be
It turns out I'm just little old me
I'm just little old me
And that's fine by me
Cause I, I am lovely
Just the way that I am
Oh yes I am,
Yes I am lovely
The way that I am
I am lovely lovely
I am lovely
It's funny to me to think about the secrets and memories the "things" in our lives hold. I can put on a pair of shoes and have a streaming memory. I might put on a shirt and think, last time I wore this I was at Kings Island with .... It really is crazy. Some stories are to be shared and some are to be kept sacred just for me.
If I had blogged this idea a week ago this would not have been the content at all. I would have been blogging about moving on and finding new purpose in the shoes and creating new memories for them and myself. But, I'm doing that everyday. Ever day is a new memory. I get to make the choices of how I perceive situations and how I react.
Then today I discovered new music w/ lyrics that spoke volumes to me so pay no attention to the previous babble and soak this in:
By Sara Haze
I don't wanna be hurt
I just want to be little old me
Shouldn't have to think
Who am I suppose to be today
And what gives you the right
To tell me who I should be
Who gave you that right
Cause I, I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am
I know you want the best
Yeah only good things for me
But you have to realize
I can be all these things you project on me
Cause I'm beautiful to me
Doesn't that mean a thing
I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am
I need that to be enough for you
Need that to be enough for you
Cause it's enough for me
It's enough for me
I'm I suppose to give up everything I am
Just to make you happy
I thought I was the one you
Always wanted me to be
It turns out I'm just little old me
I'm just little old me
And that's fine by me
Cause I, I am lovely
Just the way that I am
Oh yes I am,
Yes I am lovely
The way that I am
I am lovely lovely
I am lovely
Friday, June 4, 2010
Let Go - Go Fish

Yesterday I went to a seminar on reemerging into the workforce as a entrepreneur, and low and behold I run into the ex and her wife. OK Mary Beth, Breathe. I wave at the wife and sit at another table. Although I know that I'm in a better place and I know that everything happens for a reason and all the other things I funnel through my brain.... I still had a rise of emotion. Breathe into it. I survived and was friendly and the heat in my head went away.
As I left I called a dear friend. This is, of course, what we girls do - call our friends when we are in need or have a great story to share.
She told me she had read a blog awhile back about the game of Go Fish. This game is famous! You have cards in your hand and you are trying to make a match. You ask someone "do you have an 8?" (only of course if you are looking for a 8). If the person you ask does not have an 8, your heart doesn't break, you don't feel dis pare, you simply follow the directions and "Go Fish".
Life is a game of "Go Fish". With G, she had some of the right cards, I had some of the right cards, but maybe not the most important cards. And I get to go fish. The pain is real, the heartache exists, but given the opportunity to "Go Fish" means I pick up another card. I add this card to my hand. That means I have something else to give away! I have learned a lesson. I have gained a skill. This can apply to friends too, lately I've been wondering what happened to certain friendships - maybe our cards don't match anymore.
Think of this in other aspects of your life... You go on a job interview. It feels good. Unfortunately, you don't get the job. You get to "Go Fish". You have just obtained some knowledge/experience that will help you the next time. And when you have the cards that an employer wants, you find a match and you get the job.
This is all well and good in theory. But how do we let go of the attachment? The feeling of hope, love, wanting, lusting, wishing, longing and more? How do we let of of those feelings that we have attached ourselves to related to whatever situation we are in. That my friend I don't know. For me, it has been Yoga, breathing, baking, friends, and lots of me-time. Also, changing my perspective. It's OK if I'm not the right person for a certain job or significant other, "Go Fish".
So Breathe
Let Go
Go Fish
Use the cards in your hand, add to them, and give them away to others!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Brick Walls
I am thankful that when I hit a brickwall a little over 9 months ago that it caused a huge crack and a ton of sunlight came in. I think this happens to people more than we care to share. In one moment everything we know to be true about our lifes changes. The direction we are going makes a ninety degree turn and we have no choice but to take a sharp turn. And so it happened.
It feels so good to reflect on life, the things that have come and gone, the things that still are and the things that are ahead.
How many times have we all hit brickwalls and thought that, dramatically, it was the end of the world. I say we hit it hard, knock it down, and step on over it. Life is what we make of it!
It feels so good to reflect on life, the things that have come and gone, the things that still are and the things that are ahead.
How many times have we all hit brickwalls and thought that, dramatically, it was the end of the world. I say we hit it hard, knock it down, and step on over it. Life is what we make of it!
Monday, April 5, 2010
And so it is
The house hunt is over. I think my realtor was not so fond of my true nature as a bargain hunter. It showed it's face during the house hunt. I love the house I put the offer in on, but I had to be so sure. If there was something cheaper out there that looked good I had to see it, even though i was still in love with the house I inevitably am purchasing. I wanted a sign or something to know that I should spend the money. All I had to do was look inside myself. I was in the house four times, I feel the house and I have a connection. And on Friday I made it final. So, I'll have the inspection on Wednesday, and then closing to follow!
Now the hunt for a vegan roommate!
Now the hunt for a vegan roommate!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Although I'm trying to free myself of being in control and what the future holds I also have to make decisions...
I have been in the market to buy a house for a little while now. This is a big deal. As much as I want to live in the moment and let life be what it is, I have to choose. I am torn between two houses so I'm going to blog out my pros and cons, is there really a better way to make a pros and cons list? I think not:

Two Family on Chase:
-very close (walkable) to my fav places, Northside Tavern, Sidewinders, Melt
-two family - a promise of part of my mortgage always being paid for
-adorable and trendy (is that two)
-great kitchens - the cabinets are great - good space and their are two
-can easily be a single family
-off street parking
-rental property - investment
-three full baths! if I have roomies this is bonus and a half
-hard wood floors on second and third floor
-current owner has yoga books and Buddha's (I know they don't come with the house) but a good vibe!
-very little yard (practically none - but this could be a pro as I have never mowed before in my life)
-looks like a slight leak from a drain spout
-costs more than the other house I'm looking at
-across the street from a rec center (high foot traffic)
-lower resale value
-my bedroom would be on the third floor - that's three flights of stairs for laundry
-kind of shares a wall with another building - it is the old firehouse now photography studio

-more of a family feel kind of house
-one car garage
-4 bed 2 full bath
-small front porch back patio
-cheaper than Chase
-Quite neighborhood
-wouldn't scare my parents to visit (pro or con not sure)
-anyone besides me would do off street parking
-kitchen cabinets are poop (well just not that pretty)
-carpet on second floor will eventually need replaced but livable now
I really like both houses for different reasons.... what to do????
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I was reminded during my Yoga Teacher Training a couple of weeks ago that I am not the controller. I was reminded again today when I read a friends blog. As much as we try to control everything around us - well I'll speak for myself, I do this - I know I'm still not in control. I may think ok today I'm going to check xyz off my list at work and then BAM, I get a crazy deadline that has to be done and I stay late to accomplish the goal.
I have been on quite a few journeys lately. I have travelled. So far in 2010 I've been to Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Seattle. These journeys have been more than just vacations. I am continuing to work on me, letting go, moving forward. And just when I think I have it all under control the universe reminds me that I don't, and I forgive more, love more, cry more and take the next step.
During our Bhakti Yoga session we were reminded:
Be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree and respect everyone without expecting any respect in return
So remember, you wouldn't be here today if you hadn't walked the road you have been on. My path, my journey, has led me here. Here is good! I am not the controller.
I have been on quite a few journeys lately. I have travelled. So far in 2010 I've been to Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Seattle. These journeys have been more than just vacations. I am continuing to work on me, letting go, moving forward. And just when I think I have it all under control the universe reminds me that I don't, and I forgive more, love more, cry more and take the next step.
During our Bhakti Yoga session we were reminded:
Be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree and respect everyone without expecting any respect in return
So remember, you wouldn't be here today if you hadn't walked the road you have been on. My path, my journey, has led me here. Here is good! I am not the controller.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
You might as well have beginnings
Jill Sobule sings "The end will always come, so you might as well have beginnings" and the next line is "Love is never equal after all". This morning I was singing this song in my head. Thinking about things ending and things beginning. And, really, it's just life continuing. The Indigo Girls said "You have to laugh at yourself, you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't". These words have been my mantra lately.
I laugh because by mid February I will have changed my address with the post office 4 times since September, 2009. I will have packed up and moved three times. I laugh because of love, it sometimes leads us down unknown paths, and now as my heart is whole I'm sure love will find a way to lead me down some other path of unfamiliarity.
And why not have new beginnings? New beginnings with old and new friends, trying new things, buying a new house, picking up a new hobby, starting a bakery. New, New, New. And yes, the end will come, whether we choose it to be so or if life hands us an unexpected gift.
I urge you, have beginnings! It's what makes us human.
I laugh because by mid February I will have changed my address with the post office 4 times since September, 2009. I will have packed up and moved three times. I laugh because of love, it sometimes leads us down unknown paths, and now as my heart is whole I'm sure love will find a way to lead me down some other path of unfamiliarity.
And why not have new beginnings? New beginnings with old and new friends, trying new things, buying a new house, picking up a new hobby, starting a bakery. New, New, New. And yes, the end will come, whether we choose it to be so or if life hands us an unexpected gift.
I urge you, have beginnings! It's what makes us human.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Year in Reflection
Ringing in the new year is always fun no matter how you do it. I've had the chill parties and I've had the all out parties, heck 10 years ago Martha and I had a crazy, crazy party.
Last night was wonderful, I went to a friends house for some amazing vegan goodness, dance party (we had an awesome dj), and even a drum circle! I have been nursing a cold so I rang it all in in style with lots of water. Go me.
As I sat on the couch after the ball dropped I told a friend how happy I was to have 2009 come to an end, as I have claimed it had been the worst year of my life. Then I looked around. None of the people I was with were in my life before 2009. I was in a room full of beautiful people who have made my life so full.
So the pros and cons, well the only con is the incredible heart ache that I felt (feel). So let's get to the pros:
I felt the most amazing love I have ever felt
New job
New apartment
Friends, old and new full of love and support
Found yoga
Sweet Peace Bakery - the beginnings of my vegan bakery becoming a reality
Finding myself (priceless)
Breaking up (a gift that is slowly being realized)
Friends, did I say that already?
There is so much more! So, in 2010 my journey continues. I think that maybe we have to feel extreme heart ache to realize true love. And I will be giving birth to my hopes and dreams!
Stay tuned... life is only getting better.
Last night was wonderful, I went to a friends house for some amazing vegan goodness, dance party (we had an awesome dj), and even a drum circle! I have been nursing a cold so I rang it all in in style with lots of water. Go me.
As I sat on the couch after the ball dropped I told a friend how happy I was to have 2009 come to an end, as I have claimed it had been the worst year of my life. Then I looked around. None of the people I was with were in my life before 2009. I was in a room full of beautiful people who have made my life so full.
So the pros and cons, well the only con is the incredible heart ache that I felt (feel). So let's get to the pros:
I felt the most amazing love I have ever felt
New job
New apartment
Friends, old and new full of love and support
Found yoga
Sweet Peace Bakery - the beginnings of my vegan bakery becoming a reality
Finding myself (priceless)
Breaking up (a gift that is slowly being realized)
Friends, did I say that already?
There is so much more! So, in 2010 my journey continues. I think that maybe we have to feel extreme heart ache to realize true love. And I will be giving birth to my hopes and dreams!
Stay tuned... life is only getting better.
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