Monday, March 9, 2009

New Name

I felt it was time to rename my blog. I think this is actually the third time. Although my wedding is a huge project that is going on in my life, there is much much more. The previous name limited me.

Living my truth is something I often have self talk about. It's in those moments where people tell me that being vegan is unnatural, or simply say "I wish you weren't vegan, this ___________ (insert whatever animal ridden product they are eating) is so good" In these moments I reflect inwardly before using my voice. Because the truth is my eating habits are mine to own, my choice, it is the choice that is right for me, the environment and all animals.

Living my truth is all of me, who I am. I'm not sure where I heard this, but i remember someone talking about their sexuality. Perhaps asking if he/she was gay. And the answer given was "I'm also gay". I loved this. What am I???
-I'm a red head
-I'm also a lesbian
-I'm also a woman
-I"m also a vegan
-I'm also 5'2"
-I'm also a Pisces
-I'm also a feminist
-I'm also a poet
-I'm also a musician
-I'm also a democrat

There are so many components to who we are, It's important to be all of who you are. Join me in living your truth.

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